Don’t Be Stupid! (part 2)

Leviticus 19:28 You are not to make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead or make any tattoo marks upon yourself. I am the Lord.

Disclaimer: This post is an opinion post. I don’t believe that all the Old Testament laws for the Jewish nation necessarily apply to us, however we may find some wisdom in them regarding how not to be offensive to God and to others.

When a woman is married, she becomes her husband’s property. They together become “one flesh”. Her body belongs to her husband, “to have and to hold”. Brides, who aren’t widows, are supposed to be virgins, unspoiled.

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

So, what does the husband, who images Jesus Christ, deserve? A rebellious woman who has vandalized her body with piercings, a tramp stamp, or other tattooed graffiti that now blemishes her body? Of course not. Don’t Be Stupid!

A young woman getting tattoos or piercings isn’t “investing in body art”, she’s stealing her body’s natural beauty from her future husband. She’s adding blemishes to her body without his consent, diminishing her natural body in an unnatural way that he most likely would not want. And most men really don’t want such trashy graffiti, or things to snag or get infected, on their wife’s body.

cameron232 says: “Tats and piercing are gross”

Cill says: “I dislike piercings and tattoos, and haven’t tried to analyze why before. It seems like a fundamental repulsion, like the thought of sodomy or eating shite. No matter how attractive a woman is, any sign of self-mutilation puts me right off. It’s a reckless vandalization of the appearance nature and environment have given her.”

I can’t say that I know of any men who would actually like for their future wife to be getting tats or piercings that they might not approve of. To do so without approval shows you’re already disregarding your future mate’s preference on the matter.

What might tattoos and piercings signal? A study on adolescents found: A higher prevalence of tattooing and piercings was observed in groups with a history of psychiatric disorders, criminal records, alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug consumption and initiation of sexual activity. That all sounds about right.

1 Corinthians 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.

Since this is an opinion post, please share your opinions below.

10 thoughts on “Don’t Be Stupid! (part 2)

  1. You can look at it from the “correlation perspective”. Women with tattoos and piercings are more likely to be deficient in desirable traits. Might not be a perfect approach, but makes assessing easier

  2. Women know, even if only on a visceral level, that tats and piercings in unnatural number and in unnatural places make them look trashy, grotesque, and unfeminine. Some women mutilate themselves in a deliberate attempt to repel men who would hold them accountable for their behavior (i.e., “Steady Eddie nice guys”), or because they think that men are attracted to “edgy” women (quality men almost never are). Other women do this as a manifestation of emotional or physical abuse they’ve suffered, and still others do it as a form of rebellion (“FUCK YOU, DADDY!”), although both tats and piercings are becoming so mainstream nowadays that most of the “shock value” and the “air of rebellion” are wearing pretty thin.

    As for the Levitican prohibition and whether or not it applies to Christians, I apply this test to any Mosaic law: does adherence to it or disobedience of it in any way impact my witness for Christ, or put me in conflict with His teachings? If the answer is yes, then it absolutely applies. If not, then it doesn’t. Carving bizarre or demonic permanent etchings into my flesh would most definitely affect my witness, to say nothing of the fact that it violates the Pauline admonition of my body being a temple dedicated to living for Christ. On the other hand, boiling a veal cutlet in milk, or breading pork chops with Matzoh meal doesn’t affect my witness for Christ in any meaningful way, so these violations of the Mosaic Law don’t appear on my radar anywhere.

  3. Tats and piercings represent a damaged woman.

    It would be fascinating to see which western nation is home to the largest population of these creatures (I strongly suspect that it’s our own USSA).

    “Tramp stamps” in particular, such as that shown in the OP photo, are essentially a permanent label that says “unmarriageable, unless you have a prostitute or cuckhold fixation.”

  4. Are things looking up for you and your sons this summer compared with the few previous ones? You get to see them this time I hope and they get a breather from public schooling.

  5. Regarding the Spawny post you made about Louise Brooks -Steinbeck’s second wife was a show girl. He allegedly patterned the character Cathy Ames in East of Eden after her.
    I just finished reading the part of the book that introduced Cathy. She is described as very pretty. She murders her parents because they told her no, but before she does so, she is extremely feminine and sweet to them for many months.
    Steinbeck was born in 1902 so he may have “known” Louise Brooks.

  6. Unfortunately I haven’t seen or spoken to my sons in a while. The servants of Satan have all been trying to turn them against me and to keep them from me. When I was able to see and speak with my youngest son it was clear from things that he said that his mother’s church has been saying things to the boys, against me.

    They have told my sons that I am a false teacher because I believe women should pray with their heads covered as the Bible clearly teaches in 1 Corinthians 11. They’ve told them the church’s lies & excuses they get from ignorantly twisting one verse to suit their woman-worship while ignoring the rest of the chapter, by which false teaching they claim that God is merely instructing women to put long hair on their heads whenever they pray, not an actual head covering like all churches had practiced for over 1900 years, since the days of the apostles, in keeping with the clear reading of the text.

    The people of that church have almost entirely refused to speak with me, regarding disciplining my wife, and about anything really, to the point where I felt compelled to put up an entire website asking them to carry out the prescribed church discipline in the name of Jesus Christ, so that the whole world could see I had made every possible effort to let it be known that I want them to quit their cowardice and their lawlessness and follow Jesus Christ’s prescribed steps of church discipline against my wayward ex-wife.(who is apparently the image of their goddess) And in addition to that I have listed some sins against me done by their church members which none of them have ever made any attempt to apologize for, repent of, or to make right. And what do those shit stains on the name of Christ, who are refusing to speak to me, do? Firstly those liars tried telling my sons my website was all lies. Then later they told my sons that I’m evil to write on the internet about those things their members did to me, because the first step of church discipline (which they refuse to do) is to bring up matters privately. Yet previously when I approached these folks they refused to speak with me, both the individuals, and the church’s board of cunt-worshipping fools.

    They’ve even contacted the civil authorities over my request that they follow God’s word. And some of them voluntarily spoke to the satanic divorce court’s social-working whore who, based upon their testimony, denied me all custody of my sons, without ever disclosing any reason besides my published internet testimony, which they claim proves I’m not concerned for my sons’ best interests, like the satanic cunt-court claims they are by denying me custody, for publishing much of the truth of the matter, while certainly not publishing all their mother’s perpetual wickedness that I could have.

    Despite the satanic Cunt-Court not allowing me to have any custody of my sons, (to maximize my support payments) my youngest son had been insisting on seeing me regularly. But then he went to a week of church retreat with his mother’s Satan-serving church and immediately upon returning he said he no longer wanted to keep seeing me. So I haven’t seen him in a couple of months now. Whereas I’ve only seen my oldest son for less than a minute in the last few years. That is how My ex-wife, her church, and the Cunt-court’s Satan-workers all wanted it. They turn the hearts of the sons against the fathers because that’s what their lord and master Satan wants them to do, along with hearkening to every woman’s lies.

  7. surfdumb,
    Yes, many in Hollywood are amoral hedonists, or else apostate Jews enviously striking against the worship of their Messiah, whom they have refused to receive. Either way they have been practicing and pushing perversion from Hollywood’s very beginnings in producing public media. They’re opposed to righteousness. Hollywood has been promoting what one of our commenters calls the sin of Eden,(Feminism) the sin of Babel,(Multiculturalism) and the sin of Sodom.(Lawless Sexuality) And the churches have gone along with the first two, and are well on their way towards fully accepting the third evil, against God’s will, as well.

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