Are women responsible for their actions?

After discussing marriage and related issues with a priest, I flat out asked if he thought women had moral agency. He reflexively said yes, but being a pretty smart guy, he looked back at the discussion we just had and realized he couldn’t square that with the views he had just espoused.

I’ve met worse. Some can no longer even sense their own incongruity. I once had a cousin by marriage who is the “director of small groups” at my wife’s church come over to my house to apparently try to help me figure out where I failed and caused my wife to divorce me. After him making one speculative accusation after another and me explaining that I was well above reproach in each area where he thought I might have failed. I asked him if he thought women had a “sinful nature” and if wives were capable of sinning without their husband being somehow at fault. He claimed he did believe women were capable of sinning on their own, but then dove straight back into trying to figure out how I had caused my wife to do such evil against myself and my children. And after a few more speculative accusations and my explanation that I’m not a wicked person who merited the evil done against me, I again asked him if he believed women could sin entirely of their own accord. And again, he claimed to know that they could, but went straight back to trying to figure out how I must have forced her into wanting to divorce me.

Eventually it became painfully evident that he has some severe cognitive dissonance. While he knows that the right answer is to say that women are moral agents and are responsible for their own behavior, good or bad. Yet because he religiously worships women and habitually turns men into the scapegoats for his goddesses, he seemingly is unwilling to ever accept that a woman might have chosen to sin entirely for her own sinful reasons. He pathologically must blame some man, like me, to absolve any woman of the guilt of her wrongdoing, so that his goddess does not become a common sinner like all men.

Their willfully ascribing greater worth to the creature (women) than to their own Creator, makes them become darkened in their thinking, and vain in their imaginations, and leads them into dishonoring their own bodies. (Romans 1) Remember, when the emasculated churchmen of today grovel before women, their choice to willingly dishonor themselves was foretold long ago, as being the direct consequence of their idolatry.

Some folks seem to get upset that I don’t go out of my way to humble myself before society, when the Bible asks that men humble themselves before God, not that men must be humbled before their wives and children, and even strangers on the internet. The satanic ritual humiliation of men that goes on in churches is the result of twisting scriptures to emasculate men who directly image God the Father and Christ the Son. They claim they elevate women and denigrate men to bring “equality”, but really, they only have brought about a satanic inversion of God’s holy patriarchy. Come out from among them and be separate from their uncleanness. (2 Corinthians 6:17)

13 thoughts on “Are women responsible for their actions?

  1. Hey, I recognize that citation…

    I think I went on to say that priest later delivered a homily that actually stated women should obey their husbands as the church should obey Christ. Of course, it was rolled into the Husbands should love their wives as Christ loves the church counterpart of the verse, and I’m pretty sure he caught unholy hell for going there at all. But I was impressed. I’ve heard and seen second hand accounts of this teaching, but I’m pretty sure that’s the first time I’ve witnessed it being taught first hand.

  2. Women as well as men are free moral agents, singularly responsible for their own relationship with God and their salvation or damnation. Both are responsible.

  3. The blame game is in operation in all segments of a confused society where up is down, black is white, right is wrong and wrong is right. Nobody wants to accept responsibility for their own gaffes. Worst of all are the new wokist wankers who while daring to refer to those who have alternate opinions as Nazis prove conclusively that they themselves are stalinist stooges whose middle name is intolerance. Not good enough to be called Nazis. The injustice CYSTem in Canuckistan is blatantly in its entirety prejudicially biased and hoplophobic in every capacity and application. Man bites dog at every opportunity and in my existence it seems that I just awoke from a bad dream.

  4. Here is a prioritized list of things for a young man to look for in a potential wife:

    1) Grave fear of God (which is the origin of wisdom, and instills self-control)
    2) Intact hymen (proof that her religion hasn’t been bullshit)
    3) No history of bad decisions, and no signs of disorders or addictions
    4) From an upright family (of your race) & has a good relationship with her father
    5) Good genetics (tight body, sharp mind, attractive)
    6) Shows you obvious respect, and no disrespect
    7) Happy, easily pleased, and a joy to be around
    8) Few nonbiblical political or social beliefs, only minor easily fixable ones
    9) Has a very noticeable love of, and desire to produce, children
    10) Eager domestic worker, or has worked hard reaching a non-career goal
    11) Was never raped or molested and has a healthy viewpoint towards sex
    12) Doesn’t crave social media, watching TV, or other mental distractions

    I didn’t spend too long coming up with that list, so it can probably use some honing. Feel free to post your own suggestions.

  5. Of course women are responsible for their actions. If they weren’t, then God wouldn’t have judged Eve in the Garden of Eden for disobeying His commandment. But women by nature (i.e. by their treacherous heart) don’t have any sort of morality in them. They will just rationalize, justify and make excuses for any lawless behavior they do, no matter how lawless and wicked it is. In RedPill circles, this is commonly referred to as the “rationalization hamster”, but personally, I prefer to just call it the biblical way as Lawlessness and the treacherous human heart.


    I would add at least one suggestion to that list: The wife should be of a high intelligence, both intelectually and (perhaps mainly) emotionally. And by that I don‘t necessarily mean that she needs to have a genius IQ of 180, but she definitely needs to be intelligent enough to the point when you can have a normal discussion with her about the things of God, without her constantly trying to manipulate you to make concessions from God’s Law. As unfortunate as it is, I must say that I have yet to meet such a wise girl with whom you can normally talk about godly things without her carnal urges interferring.

  6. CG,

    Why do you associate manipulations with low intelligence? That must seem more of a character issue than one of intelligence, and I didn’t understand what you are getting at.

    I used to think intelligence, but woe is me. My kingdom for an opportunity for the sweet girls who liked me but I rejected because of intelligence.

    What a stupid and immature man I was, so why even look for intelligence? I was too caught up in creating a wife like a consumer buying a product.

    Sharkly, have you shared this list with your sons. It’s not to early for the older one to start disciplining his desires for meeting a good wife.

  7. Prime example of a modern women, along with the celebratory spitting on the grave of men. For a cherry on top, her wickedness is attributed to her God-given body.

    “‘I asked my mom before I did it,” Xenia said of posing for Playboy. “Her opinion was important to me. She said, ‘You know what girl? If you feel it, then do it.’ That was the key, and I felt it. So, everyone was fine with it. I even got a message … from one of my cousins whom I haven’t spoken to in 20 years. He said, ‘Wow, congratulations! You did a great job by breaking this wall.’ I was like, ‘Wow, even my own family is on my side.’

    “It changed because, 10 years ago, it was just the men in my family who had the power,” Xenia explained. “You had to do what they said and it was a struggle. But then I decided to make my own way, my own path. Now, I’m happier than ever.”

    Xenia said the goal of her risqué photo shoot was to show women that all bodies are beautiful exactly as they are.’”

  8. From FB at SS, “A man will sacrifice his own happiness for his family, a woman will sacrifice her family for her own happiness,”

    Complete inversion from what most pastors and elders believe.

    My pastor was raised by Mom with abusive Dad. His sermons follow suit, though not as bad as you would guess. He understands the need for men and maintains a male-only elder board and pastors.

  9. Nope. They are not responsible, and Game / PUA and Red Pill loves it that way! Women cant help who they fall for. Attraction isnt a choice for them. Women are not like men, their brains, chemistry is different. They are not “logical” and need men to tell them how do do everything.

    This is what the sphere has been saying for twenty plus years…..and now (shock) everyone is surprised that women dont mind not being held accountable for anything.

    You all got what you wanted

  10. I just found out that Tertullian wrote that the angels which we will judge, are those watchers who descended from heaven to our earth. And the reason they are now ours to judge is because they fucked our women and taught them evil things like how to adorn themselves pridefully, to accentuate their ability to tempt men to sin, when women should rather adorn themselves with shamefacedness, modesty, and chastity. But the women were vainly ambitious/hypergamous and so they wantonly tempted and defiled heaven’s angels instead of the men they were created to serve and mate with.

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