Was Feminism about forcing “sexual equality”?

She never had kids. She never worked. She lived the ideal life, where everything is handed to you on a silver platter. As a make-work challenge, she scaled to the peaks of the tallest mountains in her western state.”

John Chrysostom wrote: “God maintained the order of each sex by dividing the business of human life into two parts and assigned the more necessary and beneficial aspects to the man and the less important, inferior matters to the woman. God’s plan was extremely desirable for us, on the one hand because of our pressing needs and, on the other, so that a woman would not rebel against her husband due to the inferiority of her service.”

Well, as we’ve seen childless liberated women now can and do rebel, despite often living a life of eating bonbons and watching TV, and perhaps occasionally being expected to load a washing machine or load an automatic dishwasher.

“Correct me if I am wrong, but this is what many feminists think that women deserve, though perhaps also with a cushy career. Clear sailing, everything awesome-ish.”

Yes, but I think you’re underselling the point. Feminists worship themselves as goddesses just for having a cunt hole, and they think men should also worship every woman just because they have a life-incubating front hole. Most women feel that they deserve everything they can get away with, and more. But Feminism isn’t about what women deserve. Nor is Feminism about getting a comfortable role for women, or else the Feminist’s “holy grail” would be women achieving contentment by staying at home and playing with their babies.

No, the Feminist agenda has nothing to do with what women deserve. The Feminist agenda is about what its satanic leaders want. They want to smash (abolish) God’s holy order of patriarchy. They want to displace men from their God-assigned more important and more necessary jobs. They want to make women masculine and make men feminine. They want to completely invert God’s holy order and make men, who are the image of God, serve and obey women.

Satan’s Feminist plot is not new:
And unto Adam He said: “for as much as thou hast obeyed the voice of thy wife and hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying: see thou eat not thereof: cursed be the earth for thy sake.”

As Sigmund Freud deduced, Feminists are acting out their unresolved penis-envy. They want that God had made them men, and nothing in the world can satisfy that unresolved envy. They have to be taught to cast aside their envy and content themselves within their predetermined role, and to find joy in what they can do. (by having men’s children and mothering them, in service to God through serving God’s likeness)

“Wisdom of Solomon” 14:17 When people could not honor monarchs in their presence, since they lived at a distance, they imagined their appearance far away, and made a visible image of the king whom they honored, so that by their zeal they might flatter the absent one as though present.

God fashioned men into His own image, (1 Corinthians 11:7) and commanded that people make no other graven images to serve, nor to bow down to.
For wives, that is really what their husband is, an earthly living image of God in heaven, and they can work out their salvation (faith) by doing good works for their husbands like “childbearing” (fulfilling maternal and wifely duties) for their husbands and reverencing their husbands. (Ephesians 5:33)

Matthew 25:37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

Feminism is Satan’s plot to degrade and dishonor us brethren who walk about as images of God. And also, to deconstruct and defile God’s holy patriarchal order for families, because that God-directed order funnels all glory up the chain to God, the Father of all spirits and all flesh. Wives honor their husbands who honor their Creator (Jesus Christ) who honors His Father. When wives won’t honor their husbands and won’t bow their knees to him, then glory destined upwards to God’s Son is short-circuited at its starting point. Men are less likely to praise God for making them in His own image, if all they get for it is the constant blaming, contempt, and implacable malice, of envious women, and their self-serving gynocratic society.

That’s Feminism explained for you.

9 thoughts on “Was Feminism about forcing “sexual equality”?

  1. Satan’s plot has been wildly successful. God is dishonored, the family debased and women have lost the glory due them by their ability to give birth to the future generations. And then feminism has shrunk men – or as CS Lewis put it; “men without chests.”

  2. My biggest gripe isn’t the women. They are sinners, so sinners sin is a reasonable expectation.
    It’s the church that gets me. You have another website for Whitewater, but I want to continue to focus on it.
    Do both of your sons regularly attend your wife’s church with her?
    Have any reached out to you since then due to a change of heart?

    How can a body of believers be expected to help when they are superficial on any issue. Superficial isn’t a great word, because in my case, I am talking about believers who read the Bible alot and lots of Christian history and are on church policy teams. Yet, they can’t handle your arguments because their thinking muscle is flabby. No aspect of their lives is thoughtful, all of it is “monkey see, monkey do.”

  3. To clarify, my unclear question about change of mind refers to Whitewater, not your sons. I know the answer is probably none, but I would love to read a story of repentance.

  4. Surfdumb,

    Yes, it is my understanding that my sons are going to “Whitewasher cunt-immunity church”, with their unrepentant whore mother.

    I think it is difficult for most folks to come to realize that “the church”, or all of Christendom in general, has become apostate and has gone whoring after women (as their goddesses), holding individual women to be representative images of what they worship. (their goddess) Yes, they may also claim the name of Jesus Christ, and they may also worship the God of the Bible, but they clearly put women before Him.

    When I was growing up, my Mennonite father believed that the Roman Catholic Church was the “Great Whore” mentioned in John’s Revelation. And she seems like a perfect fit, being drunk with the blood of the saints she has murdered down through the ages, and full of blasphemy. And the Anabaptist Mennonites are one of many groups of Christ followers whose members were frequently martyred by the Roman Catholics. And pretty much every church thinks they’re the group who is following Christ most correctly. But they apparently failed to read and comprehend that the “Great whore” is the “Mother of Harlots”, and that all the other churches birthed from out of her and employing her blasphemous apocryphal additions to God’s word (like the Pericope Adulterae) have all eventually gone whoring after the manner of their lawless mother, whoring after the ways and powers of this world, unfaithful to keeping God’s commands first and reigning above their Feminist worship of women, they subtly invert God’s holy order of patriarchy and teach men to serve women, and women to serve their own desires, while denying and excusing what they do, like every unrepentant whore does when confronted with her crime.

    However, I was also taught to “be nice”. “Don’t condemn the Great whore in front of Catholics, because you might alienate them, and lose the opportunity to suck on their assholes so hard that you eventually might suck them inside out and into the kingdom of God!”(AKA our religious denomination and those others most like it) Don’t cha know, you woo evildoers to repentance by sucking their unrepentant sex organs and fighting against any who might try to require righteous and lawful behavior from those who claim the name of Christ. /S

    The churches have abandoned the concept of God’s Noahic law still applying to all men, as if Christ abolished His Father’s own law for all people. They foolishly act like God, the Father of all spirits and all flesh, the Lawgiver, only wanted lawfulness from Jews. And that the law given to Noah and his sons for all people, was revoked by their true lord – the son of lawlessness.

    Jesus Christ said that not a dot will be lost from the law as long as this earth remains. So, while we are not bound to Jewish cleanliness and ceremonial laws, God’s Noahic law remains our law, and it was all reiterated in the New Testament, for the church. But the churches prefer to blab about their lawlessness as being their personal liberty as self-justifying whores will always do.

    Anyhow, until folks realize that the churches are the unclean sexual handmaidens of the son of lawlessness, leading the world into Feminist immorality, while still claiming to be Jesus Christ’s betrothed and to faithfully serve God’s Father & Son holy patriarchy, they will keep trying to support and reform those whoring churches instead of just trying to rescue people out of those burning buildings.

    2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore, come out from among them and be separated, says the Lord. Don’t touch what is unclean. Then I will welcome you.

  5. God is dishonored, the family debased and women have lost the glory due them by their ability to give birth to the future generations.

    The most horrifying aspect of it is the role that “the church” has so eagerly played in advancing Satan’s agenda while still pretending to be a force for Jesus’s Kingdom.

    I laugh whenever I hear churchians loudly and GLEEFULLY proclaim that “Jesus is coming soon!” Clearly they don’t realize that the first thing Jesus is going to do upon His return is purge His church of their ilk, in a manner that will be both epic and indescribable in its fury. These people need to be uttering their favorite phrase in voices laden with abject terror as they beg for forgiveness.

  6. Recommended reading — ‘America, Nation of the Goddess’ (Butler, Wolter, Wolter)

    Also, Spencer Smith’s videos on the ‘Third Adam’ and the re-arising of the ‘divine feminine’ are excellent.

  7. In reality, feminism is not about women gaining “rights” or “working” careers. Women really don’t care about any of these things, nor can they be “independent” they just do what the most powerful masculine authority in society tells them to. In reality, feminism is about women not being dependant on man’s love, emotions, desires and needs. That’s the correct definition of this Lawless teaching.

    Feminism teaches that women (allegedly, obviously not true) suffered when being subordinate and obedient to their husbands and fathers, and that they should forsake this and instead be subordinate to the system.

    Women don’t want to be “independent”, they want to be independent ofa man’s love and instead dependant on the system, or, in biblical terms, the Beast.

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