Thoughts from Ray #1

“Perseus with the Head of Medusa” a bronze sculpture by Benvenuto Cellini – 1554.

Commenter “ray” sent me the following information to post. I asked him a few follow up questions, which he responded to with two addendums which I have attached. He has requested that I not try to answer questions specifically regarding his teaching, which I don’t yet fully comprehend.


You know that one day on Earth equals 1000 years in heaven. (2 Peter 3:8)

You know that at the end of the King’s Millennium, the current Earth and ‘heaven’ will pass away. (Rev. 21:1) These are replaced by a ‘new Earth and heaven’. (Rev. 21:1)

Combine this with what you know concerning the origin of human beings. The male was created from two things, the Earth (soil) and the pneuma or masculine spiritus of God. (Gen. 2:7)

The woman, however, was created entirely from the man’s body. (Gen. 2:22) She didn’t partake of the pneuma, else she’d be a he, not a she. Think Lucy Fer, who has been separated from Papa for so long, it doesn’t even know what it is anymore. Like the human male, the angels or firstborn were created from God’s pneuma or spirit/breath. (Psalms 33:6; 104:4)

Thus the obsession with androgyny from our terrestrial powers and principalities. This, also, is why the Baphomet of the treacherous Templars has both male and female sex attributes.

So the female is entirely a product of the Earth. This makes her FAR more attached to the planet — and to Earthly things in general. It’s called ma-terialism, not pa-terialism.

So all the Gaia stuff — the re-arising of the ‘divine feminine’ in our time, the ancient (and current) mother-goddess blood-sacrifice cults, the temple-priestess cults of Scripture and James Frazer, all of it really — persists because the Woman and the Earth essentially are the same thing. (Rev. 12:16 — ‘her’ is feminine as primary translation)

The female as individual and collective senses strongly that the planet that she is, that she loves, identifies with, and typically worships in one way or another, is about to be destroyed completely and forever. (Rev. 21:1) So in a very real sense, due to this identification the female is always fearful that she is about to be utterly obliterated and utterly forgotten. (Isaiah 65:17)

Do you see this? We live in the final hours before the Tribulation, which as I have explained to you is the ‘time of the female adversary’ or ‘time of the female vexation’. (Rev. 12:1; ‘time of trouble’ = Strong’s 6869 = tsarah, female adversary)

The Tribulation is NOT just some general punishment and cleansing like the Deluge, as modern Christians all assume. It is the feminine making war on the masculine, globally — which is making war on God, because it is the male who carries Papa’s holy spirit within them. That is what the rebel angels and the Raging Feminine truly wish to crush. Feminism is just the ideo-political exteriorization of the inner collective urge.

Result is, a large percentage of modern females live in a kind on ongoing existential terror, lives of collective hysteria and fear. They sense what is about to happen. By heaven’s clock, the feminine/female has only ONE MORE DAY of existence. Satan and the rebels know consciously what the feminine only senses unconsciously.

Because at the same time the Earth is annihilated, the Woman (as such) likewise will be annihilated. There will not even be a MEMORY of her, nor of this planet. And at that time the binary or dualistic state of mankind (the male and female) will cease, and satan with all the rebel elements will be exterminated. (Mark 12:25; Rev. 20:10)


Only reason we’re masculine is because God is masculine. The pneuma He ‘breathes’ into the human male, and the angels, is masculinity in essence. The pronouns used to address the ‘holy spirit’ are masculine. Christ Himself refers to the paraclete as ‘he’, not the impersonal ‘it’. Note that the King calls this person the ‘spirit of truth’, not the ‘holy spirit’. (John 14:16-17)

The human male is made masculine and ‘like the angels’ via Father’s holy spirit. It is true that the spirit can alight or descend upon folks of either sex, but Scripture makes clear that historically, this has meant upon men (prophets, apostles) and rarely upon women. An exception is made in our hour (Joel 2:28) for a general dispensation of the spirit. Women are able to receive the spirit, but it does not dwell within them as a matter of birth. Thus males are the usual vessel of reception, it being an ‘easy fit’ so to say.

Obviously, women can be saved. But it’s worth noting (1 Tim. 2:15) this is done overwhelmingly via childbirth. A child usually ejects the female from her lifelong solipsism and narcissism and forces her to focus outside of herself.


The paraclete is an individual. God’s breath or pneuma provides masculinity, spiritual discernment, and God knows what all else to men and angels. That is not an individual being, as in the paraclete.

Scripture makes clear that in the ‘last days’ (our time) God’s spirit/pneuma will be ‘poured out’ in ways including both men and women. I want to make this clear. As in ancient times, however, the preponderance of this spiritual gifting will go to men, for men already are ‘hard wired’ for spiritual reception and expression.

Yes, all males are born with this pneuma, yes it facilitates, but does not guarantee, love of the truth.

2 thoughts on “Thoughts from Ray #1

  1. ‘The God of the Bible is patriarchal, He cares who people descended from. The Bible is full of genealogies. The God of the Bible is at times genocidal. To ignore that, is to try to create your own more politically correct deity.’

    Right. I see lots of modern ‘Christians’ denying the OT because, you know, that obsolete God is just so violent and offensive and warlike and toxically masculine.

    God doesn’t change, though He can be influenced, depending on you. A personal God.

    What kind of God is my God?

    “Jehu struck down all who remained of the house of Ahab in Jezebel, all his great men and his close friends and his priests, until he left him none remaining.” 2 Kings 10:11

    Hunted them ALL down and exterminated them with prejudice. Now Jehu, he was just a common captain in the army. Showed his kingship, though . . . reminds of David.

    Those were the times of Elijah and Elisha. One time, Elijah lured 450 paid stooges of Jezebel to a mountain, then slaughtered them ALL.

    Elisha, having wisely asked for a double-helping of Elijah’s combustible spirit, one day was with King Joash of Israel.

    Elisha was dying. A Syrian invasion was pending, so Elisha gave the king a bunch of arrows, representative of battle with the Syrians, with instructions to strike the arrows against the ground.

    Joash struck the ground three times, which produced an incomplete result in the future Syrian war. Because that’s not how you conduct warfare on behalf of God.

    Joash should have pounded those arrows against the ground until nothing remained but dust and feathers. Then he should have jumped up and down on them, done a little dance, maybe a song of praise too why not.

    That’s the God of the Bible. The WHOLE Bible. If you don’t like that God, then go be a Buddhist or a Peace Shaman or something. But don’t deny my God because He is wrathful, and then tell me you are a Christian.

    Men and angels are small reflections of Papa’s gift of masculinity. When doing His works (offerings to Him) proceed with zeal and abandon. Elijah, Elisha, Jehu, all partakers of the general ‘Elijah spirit’ discussed by the King. Good models for these times.

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