Don’t Be Stupid!

Leviticus 19:28 You are not to make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead or make any tattoo marks upon yourself. I am the Lord.

This post, is purely an opinion post. I don’t believe that all the Old Testament laws for the Jewish nation necessarily apply to us, however we may find some wisdom in them regarding how not to be offensive to God and others.

I personally can’t ever remember seeing a tattoo or piercing that I ever thought made the “voluntary-victim” look better. And I certainly never saw one that made the person, who chose to do that to themselves, look smarter. Tattoos and piercings are often good indicators of bad judgement. “Tramp-Stamps” are pretty reliable indicators of willingness to engage in sexual immorality and are on many people’s List of Slut Tells. And these lists aren’t used by solid Christian men to find sluts, but rather to avoid them. Anyhow, I don’t have any doctrine to teach about this, just lots of personal opinion on the matter, and I’d really like to read the opinions or doctrines of others and perhaps gain some insight from others’ ideas.

1 Corinthians 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.

Lying for their lord – churchian cover-ups ?

Well, if you don’t already think our current generation of churchian misleaders are some of the most cringe inducing cucks to ever walk the face of this earth, Jerry Falwell Jr. is here to see to it that you do. LOL

The story about him, his wife, and the pool boy, is all over the news right now, that story will rightly be his lasting legacy. Of course the world’s media is trying to use his nasty disgusting hypocrisy to smear both Donald Trump and Christianity, their two most hated enemies.

Now cuckold Jerry Falwell Jr. and his whore wife Rebecca Falwell might well soon claim to be repentant, and go on a speaking tour to further fleece their stupid sheep. Liberty University, which Falwell just resigned presidency from, already has over 3 Billion in assets. But rest assured God is not fooled. Those charlatans are not on their way to God’s heaven:

1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.

The handsome pool boy, Giancarlo Granda claims that he and Becki would have sex while Jerry would watch and sometimes even film them. And Becki has verified that it was a three way relationship. The Falwells set young Mr. Granda up in business by buying him a beachfront two-story property at 810 Alton Road with an LBGTQ friendly hostel upstairs and a liquor store on the ground floor, and made him manager and 25% owner. Mr. Granda who was first approached by the older Mrs. Falwell for sex when he was just 20, claims the rich and powerful Falwells groomed him, while he was young and foolish.

Now, libertine Falwell and his ho have been all over the place making wild claims. The important thing to remember, is that those who will commit adultery will most certainly lie. They are claiming that for years they have been the victims of blackmail, extortion, and aggressive harassment by this young man whom they kept doing “their business” with and never reported to the police. However, after this crap all hit the news, Falwell claims that he and his wife finally went public with their story to stop Mr. Granda’s predatory behavior, because they are worried that “We believe that he may have targeted other successful women in similar ways,” LOL

Here is what the pool boy would tap for many years:

Jerry Falwell Jr. & Becki Falwell

She looks about all tapped out.

Jerry Jr. claims he has lost 80 Pounds just from the stress of Mr. Granda’s destructive behaviors towards his family. However earlier he had claimed he lost 75 pounds due to he and his wife working out and dieting with trainer Benjamin Crosswhite, another young handsome man that the Falwells have helped to start a multi million dollar fitness business, unethically, using Liberty University’s money.

John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Needless to say you can look online and find all sorts of rot that this corrupt and immoral couple have done, I can’t write even a fraction of it. The point is, that they always think they’re doing the right thing to lie and deceive and cover things up, and they claim this is done for the Lord. Which again just proves that they don’t know the Lord, who is called Faithful and True.(Revelation 19:11)

What would a real Christ follower do?

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Christ’s real followers don’t lie about their sins, but confess them, repent of them, and are forgiven. And as mentioned in scripture up above adultery is never the act of an inheritor of the kingdom of God. Do not be deceived, those two perverts are not “saved”.

I’m not done yet, I’ll add more to this later … when I get the chance to finish.


My wife’s church, which is probably typical of most, has openly refused to conduct church discipline on my wife. I asked them in the name of Jesus Christ to perform the church discipline called out in Matthew 18:15-17, but they absolutely have refused to allow my wife, or any woman, to be put through the process Jesus prescribed. I confronted one of my cousins who is a leader there about why they did not have the balls or godliness to ever follow the Bible in performing church discipline on any female, and he began trying to claim that they had once disciplined a woman. However, when I asked him to tell me about it, he claimed that he couldn’t mention it because the church wanted it kept secret, but that a certain family had secretly been asked not to return.(presumably as a result of something the wife had done)

How utterly laughable and sad that they are so emasculated and apostate! However, the real problem is that those impotent cowards are completely typical of today’s radical Feminist churchians. They refuse to take any action regarding my frivolously divorcing wife who is foolishly tearing her children’s home down with her own hands, and thereby blaspheming the Gospel of Christ. And when I pressed one of their leaders for an example of how they have ever performed Jesus prescribed church discipline on a woman, the only example he can come up with is an example of where their church instead performed a cover-up of an unrepentant woman’s sin, instead of publicly renouncing her wickedness before the church.(and a watching world)

I have called them cunt-worshippers before. Meaning that when given the opportunity to either serve God or to serve anybody with a cunt, they will invariably give the worth-ship of their service first to the entity with the cunt, even if that means entirely opposing the commands of God our Father and Christ His Son. If God’s prescribed solution to unrepentant sin is to expose it, and publicly separate the church from the unrepentant, and yet when a person with a cunt is unrepentant, they instead hide their sin and sneak them away, whom are they showing their worth-ship of service to? Are they worshipping God by their defiance of His instructions, or are they instead showing the greater worth-ship to the unrepentant cunt that they are covering for?

By refusing to publicly address my wife’s unrepentant publicly filed sin of rebellion, filed based upon “No-Fault” of my own, they are choosing to support her in blaspheming the Gospel of Christ.(Titus 2:4-5) They’d rather support the blasphemy of God’s Gospel than quit the worship of their true goddess, womankind. Exactly like the Serpent in the garden of Eden, these snakes’ true goal is first to get all men to hearken unto the voice of their wives, who will then usurp their husband’s God-ordained dominion, from within the man’s own house.

There are no longer whores, only verbally abusive men. /S

Scantily clad whores in skimpy clothes. Prostitutes going for a slut walk. Only three things don't get cold in the winter, Polar Bears, Penguins, and Whores

Slut-Walks are now being organized by sluts to reclaim the word “Slut”. Apparently the word “Slut” has a bad connotation. Slut-walk organizers say that the shaming connotation was caused by “The Patriarchy”, which is to say: all previous generations of the church that upheld God’s patriarchal order and laws condemning sexual immorality and effectively instilled their godly values throughout past generations of society. But, no more! The word “slut” now will mean; an empowered woman who seduces and copulates with whichever men of her choosing will dare to stick their dick into her. Only “slut” will now supposedly mean that in a far more positive way, free from the shaming that societies influenced by an effective patriarchal church, previously maintained.

So how did we get to be such an immodest and immoral generation where women openly attend church dressed like the whores that they have become?

The immodesty and immorality of our generation is the legacy of cowardice and inaction on the part of the previous generation of leaders of our nation’s churches. Cowardly leadership has led to a worthless “church” that today intentionally resembles the world, which has grown much more evil on those hirelings’ watch. These apostate churches no longer lead our culture towards modesty and morality, but instead they follow the world into immodesty and immorality. Will the churches of our children’s generation be returned to modesty under our watch? If not, we’re not fighting hard enough or effectively enough. You can read the lack of willingness to enforce modesty in today’s typical churchian assemblies in the following language from Whitewater Community Churches website:

Come as you are

Casual, Business Dress, Formal. At Whitewater Community Church our concern is not on your outward appearance, but on the inward appearance of your heart.

While that sounds so “nice”, what that is really saying is; that they haven’t the balls to rein in attention-seeking immodest sluts. Modesty won’t be forced to return while impotent churches lazily preach “come as you are”. Profligate whores have slut-walked their way into these churches and the churchians esteem them as their pure hearted goddesses. The goofballs that mismanage such churches are probably far more upset by my use of derisive words designed to shame their immodest and immoral congregations.

While floozies want to boldly reclaim the word “slut”, most misguided churchians try to assist by shaming upright men, hoping to just keep us from ever calling anyone a slut. As you can see, Satan’s Feminist minions will continue to denounce God-fearing men as being “mean-spirited” or “verbally abusive” even after they have already restricted them from using anything more forceful than mere words to discourage immodesty. The whores and apostate churchians combined satanic goal is to “smash the patriarchy” removing all of men’s ability to correct wayward women, and rule over them well, as the Bible instructs men to do. Eventually Satan will have the woman-controlled Beta-males at your local megachurch so thoroughly muzzled that you’ll have to ask those poor fools to blink twice if they don’t approve of the clothing-optional Sunday school class for polyamorous members.

Churchian men lack both the will and the loins to tell women to cover their heads when they pray, like God tells us in 1 Corinthians 11:3-10. Instead they twist God’s word, to nullify God’s commandment, because their actual lord and master whom they serve, wants them to subvert God’s commands. And they are far too cowardly to tell women to cover their heads, or even to modestly clothe over their tits and asses while at their church. When the choice is between obeying God and telling women to cover their heads, versus obeying Feminists, who don’t want such a God-ordained symbol of subjection on a woman’s head, to whom does that “church” give the worth-ship to be followed? The churchians consistently worship women, the creature, above their Creator.

Head is covered

The churches will foolishly fall into Satan’s trap and repeat the sin of Adam and hearken unto the voice of the woman, instead of God, almost every time, even though we are clearly warned against this at the very beginning of the Bible, and the whole earth was cursed because of that very sin. But that’s no matter to those spiritual retards that mislead today’s whoring churches. They’ll not only hearken unto the weaker vessels, they’ll go whoring after the government too.

In Kansas our ugly butch-haired Democrat Governess has ordered that all people must cover their faces when in public, presumably to slow the spread of a coronavirus. And I have no doubt that churchians obediently snapped their face coverings on the very next Sunday after the exalted governess spoke her command. Whereas these same churches have effectively told God to piss-off, when His word commands that women should cover their heads, and/or veil their faces as the original churches practiced, whenever women might be seeking God’s presence in prayer. For 1900 years straight every church everywhere throughout Christendom insisted that the women wear head coverings. But, no longer.

1 Corinthians 11:5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. 7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.

So, if God says that the head and visage of a man, who is the image of God his glorious Father, should not be covered during prayer, and the Governess orders men’s faces be covered in public, who do you suppose wins in their church when those orders collide during public prayer? Did all the men take their muzzles off like they would remove their hats according to godly tradition? Do we even have to ask whom those apostates obeyed, and whom they scorned?

Satan likes to get foolish men to dishonor God, and humiliate themselves.

Just 100 years ago our ancestor’s wives all covered their heads in obedience to God when they went to church or prayed. And they also weren’t wearing skintight tops or bottoms. But now these cowardly beta-male preachers pretend the gates of hell won’t prevail against their whoring “churches”, while their spiritual whorehouse’s doors are hell’s gateway. Satan has already prevailed over them and is now driving a victory lap, while those ignorant men are praying with their faces covered. They’re just blind guides, leading other blinded people into the pit. Unless you also want to worship their hefty whores in skin tight clothes, don’t waste your time attending their apostate woman-hearkening training centers. Start your own home church, where God is feared.

2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

Honoring the name, Jealous

in the Iris

Malachi 3:13 “You have spoken arrogantly against me,” says the Lord. “Yet you ask, ‘What have we said against you?’ 14 You have said, ‘It is futile to serve God. What do we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the Lord Almighty? 15 But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly evildoers prosper, and even when they put God to the test, they get away with it.’” 16 Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored His name. 17 “On the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty, “they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him. 18 And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.

We must not become weary of doing what is right, even though it is usually a seemingly thankless task in this world that is led by the forces of evil. Yes, we can often see the wicked prospering all around us in this brief life, but we must have the faith to trust that God sees and will remember those who fear Him and honor Him and His name. We must Fear God enough to avoid taking the easy route that so many people take to their eternal destruction. I often can’t see hardly any others around me who fear God, even in the churches.

Psalm 36:1 The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.

However, the passage above from Malachi 3 tells me that I should not only fear God, but that I should honor God’s name.

Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:

Let me define a couple words:
Envy = Wanting that which belongs, or is due, to others.
Jealousy = Wanting that which belongs, or is due, to you.

Covetousness and envy are bad. Jealousy is an enduring character trait of God, and Jealous is God’s name. Often times the words “envy” and “jealousy” get used almost interchangeably, even in some Bible translations, and some people will blur the definitions, which leads to confusion, and insults that name of God.

James 4:5 Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: “He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us”?

We belong to God. He not only made us, but, He has also redeemed us again, from our waywardness, at the precious price of Christ’s lifeblood. And God jealously desire’s His own spirit to posses us. Let’s not tempt the Lord God, whose holy name is Jealous, by envying too long the temporal blessings that He so mercifully gives to the doomed, those unfaithful vessels, storing up His wrath, foreordained to destruction. Instead let us honor God’s name and delight that the lover of our soul, Jealous, has eternal rest and resplendent reward and joy and good company, including His own presence, prepared for those of us who are truly redeemed. And let us be thankful that we have been counted worthy to suffer for our Father as His faithful sons and daughters, just as Christ also suffered, so that we could be joint heirs with Christ of our Father’s bountiful heavenly kingdom and His unspoiled world to come.

Meth-Head Mama

This past week former Wichita Kansas Mayor Carl Brewer passed away at age 63 after an extended illness with kidney complications that were further complicated by cancer. Mayor Brewer served two terms as Mayor of Wichita from 2007 to 2015. I was saddened to find that out when I receive an email this Monday, that mourned his passing. I had met with Carl Brewer about four times a decade ago while he was Mayor, and Carl, along with his son Carlo, had even been to my house and purchased a fishing lease from me. I had offered to give Carl the lease, but Carl had insisted on paying the full price of $200. As with any great politician, Carl made me feel like I was a close friend, even though I had only met with him a few times, and we did not hail from the same political party. After fondly remembering Carl, I decided I would post about a family tragedy that happened to the Brewers, partly because of Feminist child-custody policies.

Carl Brewer with Evan Brewer inset

Carl Brewer shown with his grandson Evan Brewer (inset)

As you may know, mothers are wrongly given preferential custody of children in many jurisdictions, including here. This stems from the Feminist “tender years doctrine” that presumes young children need their mother more than their father. Statistical studies have now proven, however, that children raised by single fathers have far better outcomes, on all important metrics, than children raised by single mothers. Meaning that as a society we are preferentially giving women greater custody of children even when they are clearly the inferior parent. This is a modern application of Feminist thinking, and was not the case in the past. In times past children were left in their father’s care unless he was unwilling or was proven to be unfit to parent them. Consequently children then benefitted when divorce was far more rare due to mothers having that important incentive to keep their marriages solid.

Wichita Kansas does not typically have a lot of murders, however, the city of 400,000 people does seem to make up for their lack of quantity, with the eye-popping level of atrocity in many of their high-profile murder cases which have gained worldwide attention for their savagery: Dennis Rader (BTK), the Carr brothers, Cornell McNeal, Etc.

The sad story

The following are all news citations regarding the murder of Carlo Brewer’s son, by the boy’s mother Miranda Miller and her live-in boyfriend Stephen Bodine:

A Kansas prosecutor is praising the jurors who sat through days of grisly testimony and evidence before finding a man guilty of abuse and first-degree murder in the death of a 3-year-old boy whose body was found encased in concrete. Sedgwick County District Attorney Marc Bennett says the jury performed an extraordinary service to the community while having to absorb more than 500 pieces of sometimes “wretched” evidence.

Stephen Bodine was sentenced to 109 years Monday for the murder of 3-year-old Evan Brewer. Bodine was found guilty on all charges, including two counts of first-degree felony murder, two counts of aggravated kidnapping, one count of child abuse and one count of aggravated child endangerment. All counts will be served back to back for a total sentence of 1,314 months.

Miranda Miller, 37, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, aggravated kidnapping, child abuse and aggravated child endangerment under a deal in which she faces a prison sentence of about 29 years. With credit for good behavior, she could get out of prison in about 25 years, District Attorney Marc Bennett told The Wichita Eagle after Miller’s hearing in Sedgwick County District Court.

Miller is also charged with murder in her son’s death. In exchange for testifying against Bodine, she will be allowed to plead guilty to a reduced charge of second-degree murder.

The boy’s father said after the hearing that he was pleased Miller took the plea deal because that means there won’t be another trial that the Brewer family will have to endure. “It doesn’t make her any less of a monster than Bodine,” Carlo Brewer said, “because she’s just as guilty.”

[Carlo] Brewer had been fighting for custody of Evan in the months leading up to his death, and authorities had been alerted at least six times that Evan was being abused .
Brewer says other children imagine monsters under their beds or in their closets, but that Evan “had real monsters.”

some of Evan’s abuse was caught on film by a motion-activated video surveillance system Bodine and Miller set up in the home they rented at 2037 S. Vine in Wichita.

Video and audio recordings showed during the April hearing depicted Evan being forced to stand naked in the basement of his home with his hands behind his back and a belt around his neck, as well as the child being taunted and slapped while he screamed and cried.

Among the photographs and videos which police found after their arrest is one which allegedly shows his mother spanking his bare buttocks in a bed, shouting at him for moving around. They were found in a Google account called ‘ballbuster’ which was assigned to the email address

An autopsy couldn’t determine the cause and manner of Evan’s death because his body was so badly decomposed by the time he was chipped out of the block of concrete. He had Benadryl in his system, and Miller said she thinks Bodine sickened him in the days leading up to his death by force-feeding him large amounts of salt.

In her testimony against Bodine, Miller said in her son’s final days, he was unable to eat or drink.

At a court hearing in April, Miller testified that leading up to Evan’s death he’d been ill for three days — possibly from being forced to swallow large amounts of salt for angering Bodine — and was refusing food and drink. When the boy gagged on doughnuts and juice his mother force fed him and didn’t eat quickly enough, the couple beat him. They then sent him to stand in a corner for hours with his hands behind his back until he collapsed. When Evan refused to get up, Bodine slapped him and hauled him into the bathroom to stop his screams, Miller testified in April. The next time she saw Evan, he was lying unresponsive in Bodine’s arms. The boy’s head was wet and Bodine was telling her to perform CPR. Evan never recovered. The day was the culmination of abuse of Evan that included withheld meals, beatings for not greeting Bodine in the right tone, being cursed at and being smacked for not lying still in bed. The boy was so scared of Bodine he wouldn’t pass by him to go use the bathroom, resulting in potty training accidents that reportedly angered Bodine further.

According to Bodine’s former wife and his daughter, he was abusive, violent and prone to beating children. They told of how he kept his daughter’s head under water on three occasions for so long that she would have to be revived by CPR.

Friends of the couple have since told police that they took and dealt methamphetamines. One person told police that Bodine allowed men to molest his daughters from a previous relationship in exchange for drugs.

[Miranda Miller] said during a preliminary hearing that a few days later Bodine told her that he wanted “to take care of Evan before he started to smell.” She said he mixed up several bags of concrete and buried the boy’s body in it. Evan was discovered entombed in the concrete in early September, after Miller and Bodine had moved out of the property.

Evan suffered as his father’s family tried repeatedly to get the Kansas Department for Children and Families, Wichita police and judges to intervene for the boy, says Brewer family spokeswoman Shayla Johnston.

At a May 4 court hearing, a woman testified that Bodine admitted to her that he had already beaten Evan to death, but revived him, Johnston said. Evan still could have been saved then, Johnston said. At the court hearing, Johnston said Miller was tweaking – a frantic, compulsive kind of behavior associated with methamphetamine use. “She was obviously a drug addict,” Johnston said. “I told her if she didn’t leave Bodine, he was going to kill them both.” The police affidavit quoted witnesses saying that Miller and Bodine used meth and sold it from their rental home and that the boy was a “hindrance” to them.

Miller said Evan died because of her drug addiction and her abusive relationship with Bodine. Brewer family attorney Shayla Johnston argued against that after the sentencing. “Just because you’re a victim of domestic violence yourself does not give you an excuse to not accept help that’s given to you,” she said. “Miranda Miller knows very well that she was never a hostage in that house. She was in this courthouse on May 4, 2017 while Evan was still alive and I offered her. At that time, I got her out of the seat away from Bodine and I took her out to the jury room and talked to her and told her I could help her right then,” Johnston said. “I said if she didn’t get away from Bodine that not only would she risk her life and her child’s life, but she risks losing custody of her child to Carlo and her words were, ‘Over my dead body will Carlo have custody of this child.’ So she chose to let her child die rather than let the father bring his child to safety. She’s no victim.”

Evan was last seen alive by his biological father Carlo Brewer in March 2017 when he saw him with what he thought was a broken nose. When he asked Miller if she had been abusing him or if Bodine had, she lashed out and threatened that he would never see the boy again, he claimed. He told police about it and they tried to contact Miller and Bodine at their home but there was no answer, it is claimed.

Family spokesperson Shayla Johnston said in December that the child protection system failed the boy, who was the grandson of former Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer, a Democratic candidate for Kansas governor. Records that DCF released to The Wichita Eagle [newspaper] in March showed that for more than a year, people reported to the state that Evan was suffering in a home of chronic methamphetamine users. The records also said Bodine abused Miller and bragged about choking her and the boy until they were unconscious.

Among those who spoke Thursday was Evan’s father, Carlo Brewer, who was kept from his son by Bodine and Miller in the weeks before the boy’s death. “The day Evan was found, I was in disbelief and denial. I thought there was no possible way that anyone, even the worst individuals, could look into his beautiful, innocent eyes and harm him. I didn’t believe that a mother was harming or allowing someone to harm their child,” Carlo said. “The individual who gave birth to this child betrayed him, and was his predator.”

‘Simply put, the system is broken,’ the former Wichita mayor said in April in a statement. ‘And our children, the ones we should be protecting the most, are suffering.’

“I just have to keep reassuring him that he did literally everything that he could do,” Kirby said about her husband, Carlo. Records show Carlo Brewer contacted Wichita Police and the Kansas Department for Children and Families as well as fought for Evan in custody court. Records we obtained show he made dozens of reports. “He took every legal path. He fought so hard and did everything the right way, the legal way, did everything they told him to do and there was nothing else he could have done literally other than kick down that door himself,” she said. Kirby said Carlo was trying to do everything the legal way and the way he was advised so that he would never put Evan in jeopardy. She said he didn’t want to break down the door thinking it could put Evan in Miranda Miller’s custody. She said that would have been different if he’d have known. “He definitely blames himself a lot because there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to go back and if he would have known this, he would have kicked in that door himself. I mean, no jail time or anything could have come close to what happened,” she said. The Brewers, Kirby said, believe there are many failures and many ways in which the system let Evan down. “First and foremost, the people that killed Evan failed. They’re the first ones to blame,” she said. “Second I would say DCF because they’ve been contacted for a long time by several people, even before this custody battle began. The last time they were contacted for abuse, they closed the case out without even seeing Evan. They just saw her [Miranda] and closed it out and told Carlo he’s fine. But they didn’t even see him.” Kirby said Carlo called police dozens of times and officers would try to make child welfare checks with Carlo but Miller would never open the door. She said she thinks police could have tried harder to get warrants to search the home. Kirby also said she blames the courts too for not intervening when they had the chance.

“Whether that’s changing a law or figuring out what law, what didn’t work. What didn’t work that failed to protect him because he [Carlo] did everything from every legal way he was told to do and it didn’t work,” she said.

“It just, it doesn’t make any sense,” she [Kirby] said. “I don’t understand why they wouldn’t just, why she [Miranda] wouldn’t just give him to Carlo if she didn’t want him. If she was going to hurt him or if she was going to let her boyfriend hurt him. I don’t know why she wouldn’t just give him to Carlo.”

Woman Trouble

Crazy Woman Maya McKinney

Maya McKinney ~ “transgender” school shooting accomplice

“So what’s gotten into women?”, some of you may be asking yourself. Were they always this way? In short, for the most part, I believe women’s nature has not changed. What has changed is that men’s control over females has been reduced. Just days before the school shooting, Maya had texted about missing her father who had been deported again. Apparently through domestic violence charges, divorce, and deportations, Maya’s father had been kept away from her, leaving her one confused and upset 16 year old girl. Maya felt like she had been bullied at school since she began trying to become one of the boys, and it finally got so bad that bullies even interrupted and put a stop to her school shooting when she was just trying to get even.

News Flash: All women are natural defilers.

Revelation 14:3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. 4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. 5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.

As God’s word shows us, women are natural defilers. From Eve in Genesis 3:17 defiling the whole earth by leading Adam into sin, all the way through to the great whore who polluted the entire earth with her sexual immorality in Revelation 19:2. While the great whore is most certainly not an actual woman, it is telling that this whoring rival of the bride of Christ is personified as another female defiler.

This personification also appears in Daniel 12:1(NASB) “Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued.”

The word “distress” used there or “trouble” in the King James, is listed in Strong’s Hebrew dictionary as word 6869 צָרָה Pronounced: (tsaw-raw’) a feminine noun that literally means: vexer, rival-wife, a female rival or adversary, and yet also means trouble in a figurative sense. That Hebrew word has a more frequently used masculine version, but God said the less used feminine noun, perhaps to indicate the feminine vexing rivalry that is to be in that time of tribulation. Some feel that this was God’s way of warning us approximately 2,559 years ago, of the coming tribulation that is marked by the satanic evil of Feminism. Where God’s righteous patriarchal order has been completely thrown off and a defiling female-supremacist rival order, or Feminism, afflicts the sons of God’s people. I surely know Feminism has enabled the destruction of my family and now has my sons living without a father. However it is comforting to know that God not only foresaw this Feminist mess, but that he warned us it would come upon us, before his rescue or deliverance of His people. God knows our “trouble”.