
How the greater church became a Feminist tit-pit.
The Bible teaches us that man was created in God’s image, and that God always and only reveals Himself as being of the masculine sex. This original teaching has been replaced by various perversions, at many points in history, as false religion continually is raised up against the true one. There is always just a small remnant who are on the narrow way, while the masses are being deceived and become lost. The greater church is a counterfeit, a substitute, a Great Whore, drunk with the blood of martyrs. The vast majority of the New Testament is warnings to us against false teaching. Because there is always far more of that, than correct teaching. The church of this age is a Great Whore which lusts after the world and is happy to be refilled continually with the satanic seed of neo-pagan goddess worship.
From the beginning God told us that He created man(Adam) in His own image.
Genesis 1:26a And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
We are quite clearly told four times in a row in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible, that Adam(the first man) was intended to be and was made in God’s image or likeness. It is foundational! Then in a striking contrast we are told that God created male and female “them”(not just Adam) with no mention of it being done in God’s image. God does not make foolish errors of omission when He writes. It is important to note that the creation of the first female was a separate and later event after God had created Adam and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. So the phrase “ male and female created he them.” is a summary statement telling of two separate events, including the creation of the first female, after Adam had already been made in the image of God. The passage is like a legal product description. We should only expect to find that which is clearly stated.
Man(Adam) = in the image of God created he him.
Male and female = created he them.
The female, we are told, was just created by God, and there is no mention of her being in God’s image. Nowhere in all 66 books of the Bible is there ever any statement that any earthly female is in God’s image. While men’s state of being in the image of God, is retold many places throughout the Bible. And the Apostle Paul clearly contrasts the man, made in the image and glory of God, with the woman, who was not to be uncovered, before God, like men, who naturally come before God bearing God’s own image and glory, and should not dishonor that by wearing a head covering.
1 Corinthians 11:5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. 7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. 8 For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. 9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
So the Bible clearly tells, those of us with an ear to hear, that only men were created in the image of God, our Father.
Throughout the Bible, God always refers to Himself as masculine never as “it”. He is Father, Son, and Spirit. Although God is Spirit, God who never changes, clearly always identifies Himself as masculine. Even His Spirit is clearly addressed as masculine(Him), and conceives masculine offspring. The Bible never records God opening the womb of a childless woman and giving a daughter. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
- God gave to barren Sarah, Isaac.
- God gave to barren Rebekah, fraternal twin boys, Esau & Jacob, not a boy & girl.
- God gave to barren Rachel, Joseph.
- God gave to the barren wife of Manoah, Sampson.
- God gave to barren Hannah, Samuel.
- God gave to the barren Shunamite woman, a son.
- God gave to barren Elizabeth, John the Baptist.
- God gave the virgin Mary, Jesus.
Matthew 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
God’s Spirit is male, not hermaphrodite. One of Satan’s lies is that, “because God is Spirit, He can’t be male, but is both male and female, god and goddess.”
Satan delights to blasphemously emasculate God. Ariana Grande and our culture like to blasphemously claim “God is a Woman”.
Boston University’s theologian Megan DeFranza affirms that all people are made in the image of God — male, female, and intersex. Satan is still trying to bring God and men down, and women are still his primary vector for debasing men and supplanting God.
When God was actually made flesh, He(Jesus) was circumcised into the Abrahamic covenant committing men to God, at Jerusalem, on His eighth day, and this was attested to by the holy witnesses, Simeon and Anna. Women are never circumcised to the true God, they are rightfully during this life the belonging of men, for whom they were created, and to whom they were given by God.
Genesis 3:12 And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
Women are a God fashioned second class of human. Eve was created to reverence the image of God, and to be a helper and mate for him, to stay under his dominion, being subject to him in everything. When you forfeit that truth, you’ve lost God’s foundational truth setting up the intended basis for all families in Genesis 1. Satan doesn’t want the image of God to be reverenced or served. So his aim is to deceive us about the image of God. How better, than to pretend the image of God is common to both sexes? Thus men will no longer be given any such reverence from the lesser sex who are now mistakenly claiming to be our equal.
The ancients also once clearly held this as a foundational belief:
Aristotle’s biology gave ‘scientific expression’ to the basic patriarchal assumption that the male is the normative and representative expression of the human species and the female is not only secondary and auxiliary to the male but lacks full human status in physical strength, moral self-control, and mental capacity. The lesser ‘nature’ thus confirms the female’s subjugation to the male as her ‘natural’ place in the universe.
However, Satan is not content to just equalize and neutralize the two sexes that God created. He wants to invert their order and subject men, in the image of God, to harken unto the voice of their wives and to obey them, just like he plotted in Adam and Eve’s very first sin. It was tellingly, a Feminist role reversal, where male obeyed female over God, instead of Eve obeying Adam who had rightly commanded her, the command relayed from God, not to eat the forbidden fruit. Eve was foolishly deceived into choosing to follow her own desires and to seek advancement, to be as gods, instead of listening to the restriction from God given through her husband. Then she chose to tempt Adam into complying with her offer, to eat the fruit as well, instead of continuing to abide by God’s restriction.
Not only did the Apostle Paul teach us that Men are the image of God, but the early churches, taught by the Apostles, also unanimously believed that only men were the image of God.
Tertullian wrote about women: And do you not know that you are Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives in this age: the guilt must of necessity live too. You are the devil’s gateway; you are the unsealer of that (forbidden) tree: you are the first deserter of the divine law: you are she who persuaded him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God’s image, man. Because of the death you merited, even the Son of God had to die.
Augustine wrote: “. . . woman was given to man, woman who was of small intelligence and who perhaps still lives more in accordance with the promptings of the inferior flesh than by superior reason. Is this why the apostle Paul does not attribute the image of God to her?”
“. . . the woman together with her own husband is the image of God, so that that whole substance may be one image; but when she is referred separately to her quality of help-meet, which regards the woman herself alone, then she is not the image of God; but as regards the man alone, he is the image of God as fully and completely as when the woman too is joined with him in one.”
It wasn’t until the fourth century around 380 AD that Mary began to be called Mother of God, or “Theotokos” This was said as part of the controversy over the nature of Jesus. Some said he was born human but became God later. Others said Jesus was divine from the moment of inception. Those who believed that Jesus was divine at birth used the slogan: Mary the Mother of God. Actually, the phrase was more like Mary: God-bearer. Saint Ambrose, who lived in Rome before going to Milan as its bishop, venerated Mary as an example of Christian life and is credited with starting a Marian cult of virginity in the 4th century.
In the 5th and 6th century, churches in Rome began to be dedicated to Mary, and from there the Great Whore seated on the seven mountains spoken of in Revelation 17 has continued to adopt features of preexisting pagan goddess worship and further deify Mary, growing in strength in the dark ages, eventually calling Mary the “Queen of heaven”, the same old name as Old Testament idol worshippers used when committing abominations in Jeremiah 7 & 44. Somewhere early along our church age timeline to accepting Satan’s counterfeit goddess worship, it was decided that women must also be in the image of God, because, how could Mary be a goddess, if she isn’t even able to be in the image of God? So women were deceitfully added into the image of God to bolster the worldly reintroduction of preexisting Roman goddess worship back into the church under the guise of “honoring” Mary. Satan’s minions deceitfully said, “You’re dishonoring the ‘Mother of God’ if you say she was a sinner and wasn’t even in God’s image”. Jesus was also the “Son of David” who freely admitted in Psalm 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. Jesus’ earthly parents did not need to be sinless, for him to live the only sinless life. Jesus is the only one worthy to open the book mentioned in Revelation. Mary is not His equal, not a goddess, not a co-redemptrix, not a Queen of Heaven. Mary is not to be prayed to or worshipped, in competition with Christ the King of kings. That is idolatry, recycled and repackaged pagan goddess worship from the deceiver.
Initially Protestantism threw off the worship of Mary, and greatly reformed the church, even Catholicism was reformed to some degree. However, women were often still proclaimed to be in the image of God, and Chivalry and false romanticized notions of love still abound. Christian “bridal mysticism” is taught rampantly. Women are collectively reverenced in the churches while men are berated as a sex. The dominion of the sexes has been turned on its head. Wives even publicly threaten their husbands with “sleeping on the couch”(sexually immoral defrauding) if they don’t comply, in front of other presumed believers. Wives no longer consider their husbands their “Lord” or to have been created superior in order for headship, and created for imaging God to the wife. Even the “most conservative” churches are only conserving a weakened counterfeit of God’s design. Here is an example:
In 1998, the Southern Baptist Convention overwhelmingly approved the addition of an article on the family (Article 18) to the Baptist Faith and Message which states in part:
A wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ. She, being in the image of God as is her husband and thus equal to him, has the God-given responsibility to respect her husband and to serve as his helper in managing the household and nurturing the next generation.
What a crock of crap! If she is in the image of God as is her husband and is thus equal to him, then she doesn’t owe her husband anything more than “equality”. Which is part of why marriage is becoming toxic for men, there is nothing in it for them, but insult to their manhood, great risk, and no reward, other than to be constantly manipulated by a sex trading whore who thinks she is equal or better than you, and deserves your reverence while satanically never giving you any of the reverence men are truly due. If the husband is to exhibit the headship of Jesus Christ and the wife is supposed to submit “ willingly” like the church, which one of them was created to be imaging their God, and which one is to be imaging the church? The Southern Baptist’s silly compromised statement lacks cohesive sense, it blasphemously gives the image of God to women, and also sneakily adds a serving of servitude to confound the husband’s leadership role, while sneakily reducing the wife’s submission from, in everything by design, to only when willingly given, undercutting all efforts to discipline wayward wives or exercise any righteous compulsion of the wife who is under your charge.
This idolatrous goddess worship leads down the broad road to hell, as it always has. One woman gave up humility and subjection by “finding herself” to be in the image of God:
“Pushing through the voices of shame has produced an incredible sense of freedom and agency as I explored my own voice. For me, this became an embrace of the imago Dei.” (image of God)
Matthew 10:39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Jesus Said “Finding yourself” is the way to lose your eternal life. You find eternal life by giving your own life up, even to the point of death, to live for the cause of Christ. Women should be taught to find their secondary helpmate role, for Christ’s sake, not to go find their own life according to the world and popular psychology. They are being led to self destruction, like lambs to the slaughter.
The Apostle Paul challenged the Ephesians to give up their “tit pit” goddess Diana, in Acts 19, why don’t we listen to Paul and do the same?

We as a church need to repent of emasculating God and blaspheming Him, by claiming women are also in His image, when He clearly never said that, and He is not a hermaphrodite or sexually dimorphic or intersexual. God is our Father, not both our Father and mother. He created us, He didn’t give birth to us. It is time we men took back our birthright, that we so easily gave away, the image of God. No woman can ever be my equal, here on this earth. I was made superior, in the image of the Highest. My duty to God takes precedence over my wife. It is a woman’s greatest possible honor to have and be able to serve a husband of her own, and to become one flesh with him, thereby joining into the image of God that he already is. If the Truth was taught, the sexes would relate more properly, and our children would have a safer more stable future. Every woman who wants a husband, wants one she can look up to. You don’t look up to an equal! To satisfy female hypergamy, people must once again correctly realize men alone are in the image of God. Every woman who marries a man, will marry up! That truth should be comforting for them to learn.